Approach to Lower the Caesarean Delivery Rate - Preventing the First Caesarean-Juniper publishers
Of late there has been a great buzz about the
abnormal rise in the caesarean rate in most of the countries, raising a
concern. In some this is more apparent under the private health care
facilities. In fact this upward trend has been observed since the
beginning of this century. As per recent data over 30 % women are
experiencing a caesarean delivery (CD). In 2014, in the United States,
32.2% of pregnant women delivered through this bypass, accounting for
over one million surgeries [1]. This upward trend to rely on the
surgical delivery during the closing years of the last century did not
convert into better outcomes
for the mother and foetus as no clear evidence of
concomitant decreases in maternal or neonatal morbidity or mortality was
With the OBG professional bodies acknowledging the
need to address this burgeoning trend for CD, which may be seen as
commercially/profit driven, a new set of guidelines have been framed to
highlight the need to prevent first CD. The CD once done would make the
next a likely repeat CD, if the TOLAC/VBAC does not have a favourable
outcome. Is CD being over used?
Has it become a tool for commercial exploitation? OR
is there a gap in training of the obstetricians to be skilful to handle
abnormal presentations /prolonged labour whereby CD is chosen as an
escape route?
It is not easy to determine and specify an ideal CD
rate as it varies according to multiple factors. The most common
indications for caesarean delivery include labour abnormalities,
variation in the foetal heart rate tracing, foetal mal position
/mal-presentation and placental factors. It is vital not to ignore the
effects that a primary CD will have on the subsequent pregnancies and
delivery choices. To address this concern the Department of Health and
Human Services in the United States have set a target to lower the CD
rate to 23.9% by 2020 [2].
This dramatic rise in the rate of caesarean delivery
is due in part to an increase in frequency of primary caesareans, when
over 90% would require a repeat section. It brings forth two major
concerns- one, the increased risk of maternal complications in the index
operative delivery, and secondly the impact on the future deliveries,
like encountering peritoneal adhesions increasing the risk of surgical
trauma to the bowel and bladder, abnormal placentation like placenta
praevia/accreta, and uterine rupture with consequent catastrophic
outcomes for the mother and the foetus due to excessive haemorrhage [3].
Safe reduction of the primary caesarean delivery rate will require
varying approaches for various indications, depending upon individual
preferences or institutional guidelines. Increasing reliance on
non-medical interventions like external cephalic version for breech
presentation and a trial of labour can effectively contribute to
reducing primary caesarean birth rates.
Given the risks associated with the initial caesarean
and its implications for subsequent pregnancies, the most effective
approach to reduce overall morbidities related to caesarean delivery is
to avoid the first caesarean. While professing this approach it is
pertinent that the overall maternal and perinatal morbidity and
mortality is maintained at the lowest possible levels achievable.
Analysing the Indications for Primary Caesarean Delivery
A view to ascertain the preventable ones could be the
first step in reducing the primary caesarean delivery rate. Barring the
absolute indications for caesarean like major degree of placenta
praevia, cord prolapse etc. some of the indications, as mentioned below,
can be considered as modifiable: Mal-presentations, (Scope of ECV),
Multiple gestations, Hypertensive disorders (Trial of Labour), Maternal
request, Arrest of labour-First or Second-stage (clearer identification
of Active phase of labour), Non-reassuring foetal heart rate (amnio-
infusion may be an option) From the list above, it is obvious that the
by the caregiver can be the deciding factor, hence considered
modifiable. A meaningful avoidance in each individual indication
will finitely contribute towards an overall reduction in the
primary caesarean delivery rate and all unneeded surgeries [3].
Another trend worth highlighting is the perception among
both the patients and the obstetricians regarding the safety of a
vaginal delivery vis a vis caesarean delivery. An undue concern
about vaginal delivery combined with relative indifference
regarding the risks of surgical intervention based on improper
or inadequate clinical evidence makes caesarean delivery a likely
outcome. Their respective attitudes are the other potentially
modifiable factors.
Promoting a safe vaginal delivery by placing the facts in
an unbiased and professional manner will improve the vaginal
delivery rate. Nonetheless, likewise when the caesarean delivery
is indicated the patient should be explained the risks of the
surgery as well as the short and long term effects of the choice
made. If it is made mandatory to list the modifiable indications
for CD as “non-indicated Caesarean”, the rate of primary
caesarean may see a downward trend as the professional audit,
if performed regularly as an institutional requirement, can act a
deterrent for such unneeded caesareans [4].
The institutional guidelines can be more specific and
consistent with the accepted indications for a caesarean. Those
performed under the labels of “ non-reassuring foetal tracing’,
”failed induction”, “labour arrest” etc. if subjected to stringent
scrutiny, to analyse and provide relevant feedbacks, can be
useful to reduce the rate of primary caesarean [5].
Achieving higher rate of vaginal delivery
During the routine antenatal visits it should be impressed
upon the patient, especially the primi-gravidas that a vaginal
delivery is a natural birth process and she should be encouraged
to seek her answers to any queries. Likewise, conducting the
antenatal classes where antenatal exercises are explained and
practised so as to prepare the woman for a vaginal delivery need
to be implemented. The discussion with the attending physician
about the management of the pregnancy and delivery can have a
profound effect on the choice of route of delivery. The discussion
regarding the practice of presence of the partner in labour suite,
place of the neuro-axial anaesthesia during labour, indications
for induction/augmentation of labour and evaluation of foetal
status during labour may prove to be relevant for a successful
vaginal delivery.
Induction of Labour
While analysing this trend of the increase in caesarean
deliveries, the impact of the current practice of pro-active
inductions of labour cannot be overlooked. The protagonists
for induction of labour have a view point of theirs. Also there
has been ample data suggesting that successful vaginal delivery outcome is lesser in induced labour than spontaneous onset
labour, more so if the induction is done in nulliparous women
with low Bishop’s score.
Induction of labour should involve a proper selection of
patients where successful outcome is more likely, and to achieve
this there should be clearly defined protocols in place specifying
the definition of favourable cervix, options for cervical ripening,
definition of failed induction and active phase of labour. Once
a decision for Induction has been taken based on a relevant
indication, the status of cervix should be the next consideration
because an unfavourable cervix can have a negative impact on
the progress of labour thus potentially increasing the likelihood
for a caesarean delivery. However this should not stand in the
way of choosing to induce.
The documentation of the Bishop’s score as a component
of risk-benefit assessment will bring about the relevance of
medically-indicated induction. A Bishop’s score greater than
8 generally confers the same likelihood of vaginal delivery
with induction of labour as that following spontaneous labour,
and thus has been considered to indicate a favourable cervix
[6] Conversely, a Bishop’s score of less than 6 suggests an
unfavourable cervix and counts as a higher risk for a caesarean
delivery. The use of cervical ripening agents is not shown to
reduce the likelihood of caesarean delivery but can affect the
duration of labour.
The intent of induction should be to achieve a vaginal delivery,
and adequate time should be allowed for the progress of labour
to be assessed, provided the maternal and foetal condition
is stable. Using well defined criteria to determine failure of
progress or failure of induction will help eliminate unnecessary
caesarean deliveries. The diagnosis of failed induction should be
reserved for those women who fail to develop 3 contractions in
10 minutes and no change in cervical status after at least 24 hours
of oxytocin administration, with artificial membrane rupture if
feasible. Studies have shown that in women undergoing labour
induction over half of them had prolonged latent phase for at
least 6 hours, and another nearly 20% with as long as 12 hours
or longer [7]. In another multi-centre study, successful vaginal
delivery was achieved in nearly 40% of the women still in latent
phase after 12 hours of oxytocin and membrane rupture. This
data suggests that induction should not be defined to have failed
in the latent phase unless oxytocin has been administered for at
least 24 hours, or for 12 hours after membrane rupture [8,9].
Individualising the management for each case should be the
guideline for induction.
Management of Labour
Some authors have eluded to the observation about the
style of management of labour could also be a factor driving the
increased caesarean rate. The diagnosis of prolonged labour vs
arrested labour may be differently applied across the various
facilities or could be dependent upon the expertise and the experience of the attending physician/midwife resulting in
surgical intervention.
Probably it’s time to revisit our understanding of mechanism
of labour. The latent phase does not much vary between the
nulliparous and multiparous women in labour, while the
accelerated phase during the active phase shows a visible
difference between these gravidas. The new guidelines from The
American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and the
Society for Maternal-Foetal Medicine recommend that the active
phase of labour should be considered after a cervical dilatation
of 6 cm, which if applied in practice would eliminate those cases
where the arrested labour has been diagnosed after failure to
progress beyond 4-5 cm dilatation [10].
This has been seen more among those who check into the
delivery suite in early labour, when the cervical dilatation may
be just 3 cm or so, and may take between 6-7 hours for the
changes to occur, resulting in diagnosis of arrested/protracted
labour with the anticipated consequences [11].
Analgesia during labour
Use of epidural analgesia prolongs the total duration of
labour. On the benefit side a good analgesia encourages a
woman in labour to persist with natural process of delivery
thus obviating surgical intervention. The practice of neuraxial
analgesia should not be delayed or denied.
Operative vaginal delivery
It is a well documented fact that where operative vaginal
deliveries are resorted to more often it results in reduced
caesarean rate. On the contrary the reverse is equally relevant.
The training for the use of the vacuum or forceps should be given
the needed priority [12].
Foetal status during labour
Electronic foetal monitoring (EFM) remains the mainstay
for evaluating the foetal status during labour. The option of the
continuous monitoring or intermittent auscultation does not
alter the outcome in the low risk pregnancies. Some studies
have, however, linked continuous EFM to higher caesarean rates
as well. This may be related to an inter observer variation in
In summarizing, it can be stated that there are many
factors that can be contributing to the primary caesarean rate.
Identifying the modifiable factors and addressing the issues is
the first step to reduce the overall caesarean rate in the future.
The cascading effect of caesarean rate of over 30% can be
detrimental for the health service facilities both in the monetary
as well as human factors (affecting both the patient and the
physician). It is imperative to acknowledge this concern and
bring out requisite strategies/ guidelines that address it.
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